
RLA is located in Chevy Chase, MD, just outside of Washington, D.C.
8401 Connecticut Ave., Suite 300, Chevy Chase, MD, 20815
Phone: 301-530-5011
Fax: 866-234-3160

Work with Us

We welcome potential clients and teaming partners to contact us with inquiries or requests for proposals.

Save your agency time and money by purchasing our services through the GSA Schedule.

Sole Source with Us

RLA is a participant in the Small Business Administration 8(a) Business Development program. RLA has been certified as a Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for the Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract program. Through the SBA sole-source vehicle, agencies can engage in direct-buy contracts with RLA, resulting in a shortened and simplified acquisition process. Interested federal clients are invited to contact our business development staff at

Work for Us

Ideal candidates for RLA positions are those with strong critical thinking and communication skills, content expertise at the master’s or doctorate level, the ability to manage complex projects, strong interpersonal skills, and attention to detail. We invite qualified candidates to send a cover letter and resume or CV to

Check out our current openings on our careers page.