
NIH Science of Behavior Change


NIH SOBC Working Group

Project details

RLA provided meeting planning and logistics support for large trans-National Institutes of Health (NIH) Science of Behavior Change (SOBC) meetings for nearly a decade. Beginning in 2010, the SOBC Working Group, comprised of representatives from multiple NIH Institutes and Centers, asked RLA to help coordinate the group’s ongoing efforts to support research leading toward a unified science of behavior change over the course of a 5-year program.

RLA supported SOBC by facilitating communication, distilling the Working Group’s efforts into useful written summaries, and working closely with key stakeholders to plan and execute multiple large-scale meetings. RLA helps hardworking NIH staff move science forward by coordinating multiple efforts, facilitating communication, and providing professional writing services.

Work products and links

NIH Science of Behavior Change Meeting 2009

SOBC First Annual Meeting of Investigators 2011

SOBC Second Annual Meeting of Investigators 2012

SOBC Third Annual Meeting of Investigators 2013

Revisiting Pasteur’s Quadrant: Use-Inspired Basic Research Meeting 2012
